A demonstration of about 400 Islamafascists - organised by the Iranian Government sponsored "Islamic Human Rights Commission" marched through central London today calling for death to Israel. Waving banners of Ayatolla Khomeini and Hezbollah flags, the Islamafascists were 'celebrating' Al Quds Day, which was introduced by Khomeini as an annual day where all Muslims demand the 'liberation of Jerusalem' and the destruction of Israel. The Islamafascists were joined by the inevitable group of Neturei Karta 'Jews' and a small handful of useful idiots from the far left (who would be sure to be among the first to be exterminated under an Islamic regime).
We joined a counter-demonstration at Eros (Piccadilly Circus) that consisted mainly of Iranian dissidents opposed to the Islamic regime. The march was supposed to come past Eros at 12.00 but was delayed. A couple of us decided to take a walk down Piccadilly to see what was going on. We eventually came to the start of the march just past Green Park station. What amazed me was that, on what should have been a lovely Sunday afternoon for London's tourists and shoppers alike to enjoy the centre of town, the police not only allowed this demonstration but actually closed the whole of Piccadilly and the streets around it for what turned out to be several hours. Anyway, when we got to the demonstrators we held up some Israeli flags; the police told us to put them away (although, to be fair, they did tell us that there was a counter-demonstration we could join). But it is a bit ironic that the Islamafascists are allowed to carry Hizbollah flags and placards inciting terrorism (all funded by a regime that is killing British soldiers in Iraq) but the police would not allow an Israeli flag to be held up for 'fear of inciting them'. I cannot begin to describe how disgusting were the scumbags on this march. Their contempt for Western values and hatred of Israel, was accompanied with a barrage of vicious anti-semitic abuse. Make no mistake this lot (despite the Neturai Karta idiots walking alongside them) were openly calling for death to Jews (not just Israel). They chanted "Kill, kill kill the Jews at us when they saw us with the Israeli flags.

- The fact that, presumably in the 'interests of free speech', the authorities allowed this disgusting hate-fest to take place. We the taxpayers had to pay for its policing, and thousands of ordinary Londoners and tourists were massively inconvienced by the disruption.
- That the authorities seem to think that the freedom to call for the death of millions of non-muslims is important; and that the offence that this causes in the streets of London is irrelevant. After all it's the Muslims' 'right' to incite hatred - but nobody has the right to even slightly upset Muslims.
- The fact that these people were simply allowed to walk through our streets spewing their hatred totally unchallenged. The thousands of non-political passers-by presumably think it is normal for people to be demanding the destruction of Israel. It is just another part of the process of deligitimisation of Israel.
- The fact that a march like this (focusing uniquely on the destruction of Israel) can take place with a total absence of any organised Jewish opposition. Nothing from the Zionist Federation; nothing from any of the Youth Groups or students; not even a mention in the Jewish Chronicle that it was happening.
Update: another report at Harry's Place and a couple of videos here.
This is the beginning of the terror against Jews living in Europe, and this must not be dismissed. Where is the British Board of Deputies? Where is the rest of the dhimmi Jewish Community? Where are the supporters of Jews and democracy? Why has mainstream media ignored this? We cannot be silent! We must organize and become the new Haganah, and remember NEVER AGAIN
You are forgetting Allyson that Muslims are the 'victims' du jour and can do no wrong. However, many people are waking up to the fact os creeping Shari'a/Islamification of the European continent. Sh1t will happen, and it will be even bloodier than what went before. It is inevitable. Dog
Bravo for standing up for democracy and documenting this shameful (on both Muslim and Jewish establishment accounts) event. Does anyone have video of the event for us here in the States? Please submit through DemoCast.Org.
Islamofascism on parade, especially after this past summers Doctors Plot is shameful.
Where is John Smeaton when you need him?
After the pictures of Neturi Karta (anti-Zionist "Jews") at the Islamofascist Regime of irans Holocaust Denial Lovefest, when word got out that a big shot in NK was staying in a hotel in Boro Park in Brooklyn, a large demonstration developed outside the hotel. The hotel issued a statement that they do no endorse the views of guests staying at their hotel. Never the less, the hotel had their controversial guest huddled out to an undisclosed location.
Even the anti-Zionist Satmar sect were disgusted to the point where they FINALLY issued a statement denouncing NK and specified that all Satmars are to avoid all contact, not pray with, provide no assistance to NK members.
NK is like black people marching with the KKK. NK are SICKOs.
Fantastic, well done. Next year we will be more organised with more Israeli flags.
NK are scum. At the 'Enough!' demo in June, they carried on Shabbat. It takes more than a black hat and black coat to make a Jew
I live in the north and was not aware of this disgusting islamofascist parade on the streets of London.
Not a word from the people we have by law to pay to bring news to our homes.
surely the bbc take money under false pretences, a recent riot of muslims in France again unreported.
What you need is to contact a good lawyer and take a formal complaint to the police for the common law offence of blasphemy.
The Hezbollah demonstrators professed Islam - and thereby denied the truth of the Christian religion as held in the Chuch of England - in language which was grossly indecent and intemperate, and as part of a course of activity aimed at the establishment of shari'a and therefore at the destruction of human rights, contrary to European Convention on Human Rights Article 17.
ECHR Article 17, as well as International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Article 20 (propaganda for aggressive war), exclude their activities from human rights protection.
edgar please call simon 0207 415 1635
I didn't see you at the counter demo. If you had given me an Israeli flag, I would have waved it. Instead, I yelled 'fascist scum' at them, and felt much better. Hope to see you next year.
You can be rest assured that you were represented on the OTHER side. I am sure the 'establishment ' wants to know at first hand what they have in mind!
But yes, your official reps BBD etc are far too quiet!
This is reminiscent of the nuremberg rallies. Great blog, keep up the good work.
- Vibrant rape gangs and pedophile rings reaching out to give multiple new new cultural diversity experiences to the women and children of the hideously unvibrant monocultural community.
- Architectural enrichment from vibrant MegaMosques dominating the skylines of ancient European cities
- Imaginatively enriched travel experiences which keep you wondering what exotic contents are in your diversified fellow passengers' luggage.
- Vibrant new ways of using surplus tax income by spending on 'inclusion' projects for jihad-crazed psychopaths.
- Improved efficiency in the vibrant heroin supply chain
- Increased employment diversity in the police force for investigators of mind-crimes.
- Doctors who save on health care costs by neglecting their unvibrant Kuffar patients.
- Low-cost demolition and disposal of outdated buildings and obsolete monocultural icons.
- Vibrant kuffar-free neighbourhoods
- Encouragement of unvibrant women and dancing slags to stay home at night.
- Demands for an inclusively diversified school curriculum, such as banning music, dance, drama, biology, swimming and lessons about any other religion but Islam. Also compulsory history lessons about the massive contribution that Islam has made to the development of Western civilisation.
.... If all this is cultural 'enrichment' then I wonder what cultural impoverishment would look like?
So remember, if you want any future for your children - MAKE EVERY WEEK ISLAMIC AWARENESS WEEK !!!
'The minarets are our bayonets, domes our helmets, the mosques are our barracks' - Muslim hymn
"I have been made victorious with terror" - Mohammed quoted by al-Bukhari Vol. 4, Bk 52, No. 220.
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