Sunday, May 29, 2016

This explains Leanne Mohamad's perverse views about 'Palestine' and the 'Zionists'

Based on her retweets, 'Peace loving' Leanne Mohamad gets all her information about 'Palestine' from Hamas supporter Abbas Sarsour, who glories in the murder of 'Zionists'. Above are some screenshots from his twitter feed
The story of schoolgirl Leanne Mohamad's award-winning anti-Israel speech, full of ignorant lies and blood libels, keeps getting more interesting. I don't normally 'do' twitter but I posted about the story there today and got back a torrent of abuse. Some of it was of this sort:

But most of it was accusing my of 'censoring' Leanne (an interesting accusation given that my letter to the CEO of the Speakers Trust specifically said I was not asking for the video to be removed or censored, and in any case the Trust had already unanimously decided she could not be put through to the Grand Final as the speech broke their fundamental rules). And Leanne herself started re-tweeting these tweets to me, e.g.:

So I decided to have a look at Leanne's twitter feed. And, unsurprisingly, there was this kind of propaganda and lies:

But then I noticed that there were far more offensive re-tweets and they were all from Abbas Sarsor, who is a well-known Hamas supporting propagandist and inciter of violence (the website Canary Mission has found many anti-Israel/antisemitic student activists and academics in the USA use his work). I present below some further examples of Sarsour's work, which Leanne is so keen to re-tweet. It was lucky I took some screenshots because just a few minutes later I discovered that Leanne had blocked me (and I suspect she may also be in the process of removing tweets).

What I would like to know (and will ask her Head Teacher) is if anybody from the School bothered to check her twitter feed before deciding that she was the best student to speak**(UPDATE see below). I will ask the local MP the same question given the Government's determination to identify and eradicate extremism targeting school children.

Anyway here are some more of Sarsour's tweet. All his tweets fall into one of the following categories:

**UPDATE: Here is a screenshot taken minutes ago from Wanstead High School:

UPDATE: Now I have exposed this I have become subject to multiple personal threats and abuse


Daphne Anson said...

Brilliant work, Edgar.

Confronting antisemitism and Israel hatred said...

Daphne: You were the one who broke this story.

Daphne Anson said...

Yes, but you have done so much better, Edgar, from your demolition of young Leanne's arguments to your proving yet again that you are no mere keyboard warrior.

Anonymous said...

You racist scumbag, you harass a 15-year-old girl online. You're on Twitter feed is full of praise for Pegida Tommy Robinson & vile imagery of President Obama , you shame our religion

Anonymous said...

A grown man harasses a 15-year-old girl . You should be ashamed of yourself you creep

uncle harvey said...

You and your ilk groomed her in the first place . Whether grooming children for sex or grooming in order to brain wash , radicalise , promote hatred etc , both are criminal offences .

Yatziv said...

Dear Anonymous, stop your support of using children as human shields and propaganda tools and then you will not feel so indignant when the proper response of those kids getting hurt happens.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was the biggest scumbag around I see his mates are even worse you go on about human shields on Pathetic justification for the children "Israeli defence Force" kills . Hundreds of them. I will say something about the" blood libel" accusing Israeli defence force of killing children is not the blood libel . Its an uncomfortable fact. If Herzl could see what Israel had become he'd wish he moved to Coney Island instead

Anonymous said...

You're a grown man lambasting a passionate child. It's would be funny if it wasn't so tragic. What a sorry excuse for a human being you must be, and what a sad existence you must live. Take a long hard look in the mirror and thing about what life means. I pity you.

Anonymous said...

Well done Edgar, as they say the truth hurts....

Unknown said...

I admire your tenacity Edgar, but asking the school to monitor a pupil's twitter fee before allowing her to participate in a speaking contest is going too far.

I agree that someone should have heard her speech before she gave it and moderated it, and much of your criticism (of the tweets and the contest) are valid. I just think that this one request is unreasonable.

Unknown said...

Your attempt at discrediting someone just after you were accused of censoring that same person tells a lot.

Anonymous said...

Agreed Edgar has done the world a favour in showing how bigoted Israel fanboys have become. Pegida The English Defence League racist Cartoons of President Obama are all OK - Save The Children & Sports Relief even the CST are not. You're too cowardly to listen to a 15 year old Palestinian girl talking about her family loss - instead you have to silence her - shame ion you

Anonymous said...


15-year-old girl speaks panel and that means the end of Judaism in Britain for you. Fighting an unjust war to maintain an illegal occupation for so long is making you all a bit paranoid isn't it.

Anonymous said...

The only positive that can come out of this episode is that you are being exposed as a vicious, racist, ignorant, abusive bigot. Your name will be famous for all the wrong reason. There is a good chance you will face consequences for your hate speech.

Iman said...

Great way to promote antisemitism. Attack free speech why don't you.

Unknown said...

How about you speak and let the girl speak as well? Keep both of your points of view out there and see which one people listen to?

Leave her alone.

Unknown said...

How about you speak and let the girl speak as well? Keep both of your points of view out there and see which one people listen to?

Leave her alone.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Leave her alone. I don't know if you take pride in bullying a 15 yr old teenage girl but it's abhorrent and shows only your ignorance me. She is an amazingly talented girl and your actions reflect you as a sad, miserable bigot. #LetLeanneSpeak

Mr. Cohen said...

Brigitte Gabriel explained:

Al Qaeda and Islamic imams are able to convert felons in America’s prison system because Islam appeals to the mentality of the aggressor: Imagine, for example, the following situation. An imam working in a federal prison approaches a felon incarcerated on rape charges. The imam explains to the prisoner that in Islam, Allah created women to be the property of men, to do with them whatever they desire, at any time. And if the woman is disobedient, he can beat her and it is his right to do so in the eyes of Allah.

Koran, chapter 33, paragraph 51:
“You may have whomever you desire; there is no blame.”

Tabari, chapter IX, paragraph 113:
“Allah permits you to shut them [women] in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain, they have the right to food and clothing. Treat women well because they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in this.

Suddenly the prisoner is a good person in the eyes of Islam, although he is a rapist in the eyes of the West. Why wouldn’t he convert if Islam feeds his deepest desire to rape?

SOURCE: They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It (chapter 4, page 82) by Brigitte Gabriel, year 2008, year 2010, St. Martin’s Press, 288 pages, ISBN 0312571283, ISBN 9780312571283.

Anonymous said...

If you going to start analysing obscure corners of scripture There are elements of the Torah that don't reflect very well on Judaism

Steve said...

Fuck me, aren't you the precocious little ruptured arsehole. Congrats on giving her speech more coverage than every other entry combined. Idiot.

Tony Greenstein said...

You are a Jewish Nazi - no doubt you would have been a good collaborator if you'd lived 70+ years ago. The mentality of a kapos

Samibedouin said...

I just wonder what you would say about the zionist kids taught hatred from zro age
….. In occupied Palestine; Jewish-“Israeli” kids sing:

“…all the world hate the Arabs,

All the world hate the Arabs,
and the main thing is to kill them one by one,

with these feet I stepped on my enemy,
with these teeth I bit his skin,
with these lips I sucked his blood”

Samibedouin said...

“There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us [the jews], and in such a situation they may be harmed deliberately, and not only during combat with adults.”
Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira

Brian McCarthy said...

You've created a living martyr Edgar Davidson. By your vile actions you have actually given this wonderful Palestinian teenager a voice unbeknownst to yourself. You big stupid buffoon. Lol!!

Anonymous said...

What I would most like to take from this is to see more of a discourse surrounding the humanitarian situation of both parties and how the discussion viable, sustainable and lasting solution can be put into place. Both sides have seen horrendous atrocities throughout history to the point where keeping score becomes an irrelevant and exasperating back and fourth. Are we not all united in our humanism ot want to celebrate our cultures, identities and to feel safe. What these issues bring to light is only how we are capable of arguing amongst ourselves insted of drawing a line in the sand with the positive view that we should try and move forward as peacefully as possible as fundamentally our wants and needs are the same.

Anonymous said...'re justifying silencing a 15 year old by posting pics someone else's tweets?

You did not even post ones that she retweeted...just random ones off their page lol

Nice try man, nice try.

Unknown said...

Taking pride in getting a 15 year old school girl expelled are you? You're a piece of shit.

Unknown said...

There seems to me something very perverse about an older man combing through a 15 year olds tweeter feed, and actually getting involved in this in the first place shows u to be nothing but a small minded evil little man. Are school competitions ur usual watch?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for drawing attention to this.

Just sent£2000 to a Palestinian charity on her behalf.

Anonymous said...

This girl is a liar she was not born in Gaza or Israel...SHE HASNT BEEN TO Israel and i am certain most of the anti Israel crowd on here have not been to Israel (but just like this girl they will lie to make there points).. Today a trial started about a Muslim man who stabbed several people in Leytonstone tube several with Jewish names that looked Jewish and the reason these attacks are occuring are because of lying propaganda spread by people just like Leanne Mohammed....

Ken Nicol said...

There's not much for me to say as it looks as though Leanne has plenty of support here, and it's inspiring to witness. The Zionists are doing all they can to educate and show the world their unrelenting sense of victimhood that somehow renders the plights of others as irrelevant. Hopefully Leanne can become a spokesperson for the powerless.

Unknown said...

This is becoming embarrassing. It would probably be best if you just stop. However, if your ambition to become the world's greatest living martyr outweighs your self-respect, then do feel free to continue if you must. Although do be aware that you lost everyone else's respect already - and you won't get it back by working to dig yourself an ever larger victim-hole.

Unknown said...

God, are you ever a pathetic piece of shit, Edgar. That much is clear from the lies and hatred on your blog in general, as well as your demonization and hounding of a 15 year-old girl.

Perverted, ugly Zionist trash. Not a peep about all the Zionist Jews of Leanne's age who openly rail and rant vile bigotry at Palestinians, Arabs, and non-Jews from the Middle East generally, of course!

Unknown said...

Nope. He's a pathetic coward holding on to a false narrative, and so are you.

You're both trash. Palestinian-hating trash.

Unknown said...

He's nothing but a lying, Palestinian-hating "keyboard warrior". So are you, and so are all the other hasbarats. That's just the way it is.

Sick, perverted cowards. It's obvious when normal people look at the dross people like you and Edgar vomit out about Palestinians and Lebanese people and Iranians.

Anonymous said...

What that little girl said was spot on. I'm going to share her speech with as many people as possible.

An Israeli General comparing modern day Israel to Nazi Germany during a Holocaust Remembrance speech tells you all you need to know about Israel.

No Matter said...

My balls asshole!

RLS Stevenson said...

Edgar and Daphne - shameful. Maybe this cowardly act will come back to haunt you when you understand better what Israel has done and continues to do..

Anonymous said...

Those who complain "Leanne hasn't been to Israel" Israle wouldn't le her in.

And how many of you have visited Palestine-(preferably without wearing IDF uniform)

Daphne Anson said...

RLS Stevenson, thank you for the courteous nature of your comment, which is a refreshing change from the childish abuse levelled at Mr Davidson on here. Maybe the outrage that Leanne's speech has triggered will be better understood by you when you watch Brian of London's video in response to the points Leanne makes. It is not that she has presented a case, but rather than she has presented a case built upon falsehoods (albeit almost certainly unwittingly, given her age and the ubiquity of falsehoods against Israel that bedevil "anti-Zionist" propaganda). That's the essence of the outrage.

Anonymous said...

Fahne, Edgar Nobody is impressed by Brian of London. He's a pompous bore, an atrocious public speaker & his explanations rely on tendentious & highly partial definitions of what anti Semitism consists of. All this shows is you've lost the argument

Anonymous said...

Bullying a 15 year old...for wanting peace..your a grown this is shameful, the police has been notified if you check her tweets.

Anonymous said...

yes Palestine is one big country, need a lesson in History and geography? Jews can always go back to where ever they came from, they are not welcome in Palestine

No Matter said...

hahahaha what a loser! she's back! how does it feel?

Anonymous said...

Pro-Palestinian leftwingers are the new fascists.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your work Edgar, your detractors are only proving your point.

Anonymous said...

Another historical revisionist and his band of drooling sadists defends the murderous, apartheid government of Israel, then dares to call those who call them out for their lies and defense of capital crimes as racists, anti-Semites, fascists, etc. How original! Can't defend your position -- attack those who have facts on their side. Israel and its supports are beyond clutching at straws, now they reach for the necks of children and others whom they clearly detest. Is that not itself pure hatred and racism. Defenders of Zionism don't belong on this planet.

Free speech based on hate, misinformation, historical revisionism, and bold lies -- all amply used by this provocative demagogue Anderson -- are the tools of those who have no defense for their inhumanity.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with all anti-Israel comments. But Israel undoubtedly discriminates against its own Arab minority and severely oppresses Arabs in the so-called disputed territories and kills an awful lot of them most often without provocation. It is not anti-Semitic to deplore such behaviour.