Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Jackie Mason, Obama and the brainwashing of the British public

I have seen comedian Jackie Mason perform many times before and never expected that a visit to the opening night of his latest 'final London farewell' season would trigger a blog posting. But observing the audience interaction provided some profound and depressing facts about the UK which I think are worth sharing.

For a start you would think that people who pay big money to see Jackie Mason (and we are talking about £90 per seat for a very short show) would have some knowledge of his political views (i.e. views not dissimilar to this blog) and be sympathetic to them. OK there were plenty of politically correct /leftist Jews who came to his Zionist Federation performance at Wembley arena a few years back and complained like hell that he was 'racist', but on that occasion he was just one of several acts and the ticket price was minimal. But this was different. Although Mason has steered clear of genuine political material on all previous West End appearances I always had the impression that the audience were intelligent people who understood him.

So, to cut to the chase, one of the only places in London where I would expect NOT to come across a whole bunch of jerks who still think Obama is great is a Jackie Mason gig. Yet, depressingly, the jerks were out in force. There were indications early on that the audience were not really tuned in to his thinking (I won't go into the details) but half way through the show he asked the audience if they liked Obama and incredibly a clear majority did (which I think surprised him as much as it disgusted me). He still launched into an anti-Obama monologue (although it was very tame and politically correct compared to what he says outside of theatres) and it was obvious that most of the audience did not approve.

It seems to me that there can be no better example of the extent to which the British media continues to brainwash the public about Obama and cover up for him. Obama's incessant failings and lies have had almost no impact on his popularity in Europe because the media have simply censored them. American friends find it hard to believe that Obama is still essentially considered as a God-like figure by a majority of Brits (including most conservatives and even most Jews). But those whose only news comes from the main stream media have never been told differently. Which is why, for example, the only time I have ever been severely threatened in my professional work (which I keep free of politics) was when someone interpreted something I said (which was completely neutral) as being not sufficiently deferential to Obama; I was told by another professional that, by even suggesting that Obama was not the greatest modern politician, I was a right-wing racist and that if I did not apologise for my comment he would ensure that nobody would work with me again. 


Herb Glatter said...

"Racist" the cry of the wounded Leftist.

Anonymous said...

and islamist

Daphne Anson said...

Interesting post, Edgar. I'm quite surprised by their myopia.

Anonymous said...

Excellent observations, Mr. Davidson. But sad to say there are not enough pro-Zionists in either London or NYC to fill a medium-sized theater.

Shirl in Oz said...

As an British ex-pat why doesn't this surprise me.

Unknown said...
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