Two items (16 May, 6 June) stating Israel had killed dozens of Palestinian Arab demonstrators were based on false claims provided by Arab terrorist organisations and the tyrannical regime of Syria. The Sun failed to state the source of the claims or present Israel’s version of events, which proved to be true. Israel was defending its borders from attack; no deaths were corroborated. Israel is a tiny state smaller than Wales surrounded by terrorist enemies sworn to its destruction. These enemies launch constant rocket and terrorist attacks (normally unreported) targeted at Israeli civilians. Occasionally, after overwhelming provocation (such as above) Israel defends itself. The media should not automatically accept the false narrative of Arabs as victims and Israel as the villain. Israel is the only democracy in the region.As I have said many times before: People concerned about Israel worry too much about the anti-Israel agenda of the Guardian. Their tiny readership is going to be (mostly) obsessively anti-Israel no matter how the paper covers the Middle East. But the Sun - with its massive readership (25 times more than the Guardian) - has far more influence on the average Brit. Sun readers, like most Brits, are not inherently political. False negative reporting in the Sun has the potential to cause far more damage against Israel than anything in the Guardian. Conversely simply telling the truth about Israel in the Sun has the potential to do more good than any number of other pro-Israel activities.
Now for the BBC......
Edgar, you are a true hero! I have shared this and posted it! Thank you!
One of our members posted your blog in The Israel Forum: Protecting The Land We Love -- a Facebook pro-Israel activist site. After reading your work (very nice job, by the way), I will encourage all of our members to post your link on their personal Facebook pages. This is DEFINITELY worthy of sharing and support. BRAVO!
Excellent job, Edgar! We all appreciate you standing up and enforcing "Fair Reporting".
Thank God for people like you well done Edgar and thank you.
Well done Edgar. Thank you.
Here is a good response from Latma to the "pro"-Israel journalist Tom Friedman:
watch and listen
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