Saturday, November 14, 2015

Reporting Paris attacks and Netanyahu statement*

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu today issued the following statement in the light of the tit-for-tat violence which yesterday claimed the lives of at least 8 Muslim militants in Paris, along with some French settlers. 

I strongly condemn the ongoing cycle of violence in France and call on both sides to show restraint. While I believe that France has a right to exist, our continued support for France's sovereignty cannot be guaranteed if the French continue with their disproportionate response and suppression against its Muslim citizens. We cannot sit idly by and witness the French security forces launch attacks against outnumbered Muslim fighters as we witnessed in the theatre in Paris yesterday. The brutal killing of the Muslims in these attacks is inflaming Muslim feelings around the world, especially as only one French police officer was killed. In Israel 300,000 of our peaceful Muslims citizens marched through Jerusalem today to protest the French actions and we have to consider their feelings. The French government has to understand that there is no military solution to this conflict. They should immediately abide by the UN resolution we proposed last week to evacuate all non-Muslim French from occupied Paris, handing it over to the elected representatives of the moderate wing of ISIS.
Also Israel approved the ISIS proposal for membership of the International Criminal Court and, if the French do not withdraw from Paris, Israel will not stand in the way of ISIS prosecuting the French Government. Israel will also reconsider its decision not to impose sanctions against the French if the French Government fails to release all convicted Muslim criminals from their jails as an immediate gesture for peace (as agreed in the recent joint Israel-US-ISIS memorandum).
*Satire: but this is exactly how the media and France has reacted to similar attacks against Israel.

See also:
And this excellent commentary by Mark Steyn about the Paris attacks ans the hypocrisy.


  1. Bravo !! The article shows how does it looks when the actual news goes trough political cosmetic treatment. Israel's constant struggle against the same element which the whole World find itself in serious conflict today, and still valuated in an upside down attitude.

  2. Totally inappropriate and shows how blind you are to what's really going on!

  3. The attack on Nathan Graf (in Italy) is being portrayed as politically inspired because of the minefield of ethical issues it raises if it is not. Questioning refugee policies after the latest carnage in Paris may yet come to nothing. But our leaders will talk.

    The BBC and the refugees. Why they deliberately misreported the story.

  4. Excellent, treating France the way their president and their journalists treat Israel.
    Splendid idea, and not the least in bad taste. Now we wait and see if the socialist government reacts to the event by letting in another half a million Muslim racists?

  5. Insensitive, inappropriate, cruel, not helpful to any cause. How about using your platform, and creative writing talent to inspire a solution to unfair political responses and media coverage?

  6. What's good for the goose......

  7. Anonymous4:41 pm

    Great piece. It shows the proportionality of the media when reporting about Israel, but put on other atrocities/massacres/murders down by the peace loving Muslim communities around the world.

  8. Anonymous5:59 pm


  9. Anonymous6:49 pm

    Accurate liberal media distortion portrayed.

  10. Anonymous7:06 pm

    This is a complete lessening of the tragedy that took place. Yes this is a brilliant representation of how the world treats Israel, but that does not mean that we as Jews should demean or belittle the deaths of 130 innocent people. We should be taking the high road, showing the world that Israel mourns the tragedy, instead of posting childish short-sighted selfish posts like this.

  11. dicmal9:28 pm

    when do they start labeling their fruit?

  12. this is reality only stupid could deny. Yes.. liberal media was playing in hand of muslim terrorists for decades. Absolutely appropriate amd to the point.

  13. Both cruel and through.
    Take off the mask France. We are morning with you.
    Why you don't with us. Is our blood different?

  14. Anonymous8:57 pm

    Whew! I was about blown away that Bibi would say something like that! My jaw was hanging! Israel goes through so much and still tries to maintain a level of humanity beyond all others. I have nothing but respect for Israel. Now I understand the Jews are about to be kicked out of France? Unbelievable, again.
