Sunday, February 10, 2019

The brutal terrorist murder of Ori Ansbacher

While the main stream media report (and rage over) the death of Palestinian teenagers - even though they are actually members of Hamas killed while attacking Israelis - the brutal terrorist murder of Israel teenagers is ignored.

And the story gets even worse.  It turns out the terrorist was a known Hamas supporter previously arrested for entering Temple Mount with a knife but released even though he said he wanted to kill Jews and become a 'martyr'.


  1. Mandy6:16 am

    He even looks like the devil, filthy, stinking piece of excrement. Hell will be too good for him. May his end be soon - as terrifying as he made hers.

  2. This is why he needs to get the death penalty.
    He asked for it, so it shouldn't be withheld from him.

  3. it will be the best to send him directly irrevocable to geinnom before he will be paid his first payment rapidly and strictly

  4. In psychology when a reaction for a “crime” is way overkill punishment, it’s called psychopathic behavior. Land for lives is psychopathic. Arabs are genetically psychopaths.

  5. Have prisoners pay for their 'housing',water, food, use of internet, etc. That way the monthly 'salaries' come back to Israël. If they don't pay their family will have to, otherwise they'll cast away slowly..

  6. A shame he was let go after threatening to kill Jews. Who is the person responsible for letting him free? They should be relieved of duty since they do not see Jewish lives as important to protect from hateful Arabs.

  7. Anonymous7:09 am

    Hang him by his toes, cut off his genitalia and watch him bleed out!!

  8. Sharon12:09 am

    In 1951 an 18 year old Holocaust survivor by the name of Lea Fastinger לאה פסטינגר was raped and viciously murdered by Arabs. The girl who underwent all the Holocaust horrors - met a horrifying death by Nazi Arabs. Nothing has changed: Nazi monsters didn't disappear. Ori's brutal murder proves it. Such Nazi monsters should never see daylight !!!
