Friday, September 01, 2017

Jewish charity Norwood and its tie-up with Islamic Relief

UPDATED 2 Set 2017: See the graphic below of the actual shop at Selfridges

So, following on from CST's endorsement of a video promoting the "Free Gaza" (i.e. death to Israel) symbolism (see also image below) -  all in the name of 'community cohesion' and 'combating Islamophobia'  -  we now have another Jewish charity - the excellent Norwood -  teaming up 'in solidarity with' Islamic Relief at Selfridges presumably with the same naive intent (hat tip to Ambrosine Yolande Shitrit for both of these stories). I am sure there are many suitable Muslim charities that Norwood could have teamed up with. Unfortunately, Islamic Relief is not one of them.

Islamic Relief is a British-based 'charity' that has long been accused of involvement in terrorism as reported here. In 2006 the Israeli Government outlawed Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) from its work in Judea and Samaria,  declaring that it was "designed to further Hamas's ideology among the Palestinian population" and in 2014 claimed that the 'charity' was involved in sending cash to Hamas.
In 2014 HSBC cut its ties with IRW due to concerns over its terrorist links.  Even the United Arab Emirates banned IRW because of its terrorist links.

While IRW has denied the links with Hamas, what is certain is that the 'charity' has a disproportionate obsession with 'Palestine'. Two of its 'current' appeals are devoted to 'Palestine' and 'Gaza'. While IRW is banned from operating in the West Bank it still operates extensively in Gaza where Hamas controls all money that comes in.  The IRW web pages also push the standard exaggerations and blood libels against Israel such as:

The most recent conflict in Gaza saw thousands of innocent civilians lose their lives – including six-year-old Ismail Bakir, who was hit by a rocket and instantly killed when he was playing on the beach, not far from home where his mother was.

(The claim of  "thousands of innocent civilians" is a proven lie as is the implied claim that an Israeli rocket killed a child on the beach).

I was trying to find out what proportion of IRW's funding ends up in Gaza (i.e. under Hamas control). What is very interesting is that their audited annual reports - on this web page
are not available. If you click on any of the links (to the pdf reports) you get this:

Given that Norwood made the decision to team up with Islamic Relief I would have expected the minimum due diligence would have involved a) checking the charity was not implicated in terrorism; and b) checking the charity's annual reports. Clearly neither of these happened. So who is responsible for this fiasco which brings more shame to the so-called 'Jewish leadership' in Britain?

2 Sept Update: Here is the actual shop at Selfridges. It is pretty clear which 'charity' is driving this event - but why are the other charities 'in solidarity with' Islamic Relief? And it gets worse. If you go the the Artangel & Miranda website for the event, scroll down and click on "Distributing the Proceeds Read More" you literally draw a blank.....

And here is the Credits Page on the ArtAngel website: Nice to know that UK taxpayers (via the Arts Council and Lottery) are also funding this.

The CST madness:

The following text from Douglas Murray's excellent book "The Strange Death of Europe" (in which he is talking about a novel by Michel Houellebecq) perfectly sums up the 'Jewish leadership' and political elite response to the Islamist threat:



  1. Israel Praised by Muslim from Bangladesh:
    7 Reasons why Israel Belongs to the Jews:
    RECENTLY UPDATED: Why Muslims Hate Jews:

  2. Donisthorpe Boot Boy.3:50 pm

    Maybe when they say "Free Gaza " they mean free it from Hamas terrorists. I won't hold my breath.
    One ( bent) election 10 years ago, murdered all the opposition and no election since, who does that remind us of ?

  3. I was there at Selfridges today and took photos and livestreamed. I'm pretty sure I saw David Ereira leaving the shop (forgive me if I'm wrong). If it was him let's remember the deal breaker according to Norwood was no Shabbat attendance. It is also clear from thenoathetic Wray of second hand old clothes and bric a brac for sale in Avery posh shop with customers who wouldn't intheue wildest dreams make a purchase of these goods, thatbthis is a publicity stunt, another coup for the anti Israel brigades engulfing the Jewish establishment in what Prof Richard Landes terms proleptic dhimmitude

  4. Sharon: I've just added (to the article) a screenshot from Douglas Murray's book that sums up the 'Jewish establishment' stance perfectly.

  5. Larry David ( not )5:11 pm

    Just a quick one on Norwood, if you don't reply quickly with a donation to one of their Yom Tov appeals you soon get a reminder.

    1. we suggest you avoid the middle man and donate direct to Hamas, or sponsor a tunnel - £10 a metre, or a rocket, or perhaps a set of knives. Why schlepp to Selfridges to buy the junk in a posh shop whose regular customers would never purchase last century's brown corduroy jodhpurs or food stained second hand books. They don't even have the style to do a special drive for upmarket stock to make some real money for charity even though Miranda July (pseudonym if ever there was one) was there in a coordinated poser style suited to 1920's in khaki and red - even the phone cover - the people of Gaza would never have such opportunity to stylise so acutely as they dig tunnels for their rulers. Such hypocrisy is beyond belief, a stunt that shows the extent of the collaboration with supporters of terror - I feel disgusted. I will never again support Norwood

  6. Anonymous9:21 pm

    July 2013


    June 3013

  7. Sameer12:46 pm

    Support charity and help poor people. Do you have a plan to donate for helpless people. I request everyone to donate to poor people who are struggling to get a food for at least one time a day. Join your hands to support Ramadan appeal with Muslim Charity and help needy people.

  8. Do you have a plan to donate for helpless people. We request everyone to donate to poor people who are struggling to get a food for at least one time a day. Join your hands with Muslim Charity and help needy people.

  9. Support charity and help poor people. Do you have a plan to donate for helpless people. I request everyone to donate to poor people who are struggling to get a food for at least one time a day. Join your hands to support Ramadan Appeal with Muslim Charity and help needy people.
