Thursday, May 25, 2017

Media's predictable pandering to Islam is becoming a joke

Immediately after the Manchester attack I posted the graphic (see below) about the script the main stream media would follow in its reporting. As usual they have not failed on any of the rules. We already had the hilarious Cosmopolitan scam (they turned a Sikh taxi driver into a Muslim - see below). Then the search for the Muslim 'hero' who saved lives turned up Dr Siema Iqbal's husband (a surgeon who it actually seems was only doing his job). But Siema's interviews, while pushing the need for community cohesion narrative, were also pushing the 'backlash against Muslims' narrative (one of the other script rules of course).  Now Seima Iqbal has been exposed (see North West Friends of Israel for details)  as an antisemite who called for the boycott of Jewish shops and tweeted in 2014 that "Jews were buying cheap bombs" and "that Israel should be relocated to the USA".


See also:


  1. Anonymous7:08 pm

    I think you've go their number, sir. It's Day 4 and look what we have:

  2. Anonymous10:45 pm

    here we go, Muslim hero is now a hate victim...
