Friday, December 23, 2016

Obama's final knife in the back to Israel

Hitler's obsession with destroying the Jewish people was so great that, in the last days of the Third Reich - while his armies were crumbling and defeated -  the only part of the Nazi system that continued to function was the industrial-scale murder of the Jews. For example, even while the Russians were driving towards Berlin, Hitler was diverting resources to ensure the final deportation and mass extermination of Hungary's Jews. I'm not a big fan of Hitler comparisons, but it is interesting to note that in the last days of the Obama administration - while his disastrous policies have seen the destruction of much of the Middle East and with the West under daily attack from Islamic terrorists - his energy is concentrated on his anti-Israel obsession with the US's unprecedented and underhand organisation of a resolution of the antisemitic United Nations. And, just as Hitler often chose Jewish festivals to carry out antisemitic laws and massacres, Obama chose to do this on the eve of Chanukah.

UPDATE: Israel issues photofit images of those planning new terrorist campaign

See also:


  1. Anonymous6:16 am

    Agree 100%. Now that he sees he cannot con any more jews into voting for Hillary, he shows his true colours.

  2. He may do it, but he will pay.

  3. Donisthorpe Boot Boy.1:26 pm

    The whole world will be well rid of this over promoted Chicago lawyer in a few weeks time. Donald Trump has said he will reverse this nasty decision. But probably more important Trump is to have a good look at how the UN is being funded and once he does this audit it will be clear that without America the UN cannot exist. So bye bye to the tinpot countries that consistently vote against Israel and sanity will rule the world.
    500,000 dead in Syria, Yemen in flames and Bahrain being screwed and the UN, what do they do ? vote about a few houses. It's had it's day it has no credibility.

  4. Obama was not content to loathe America..he had to incorporate the Jews into his hatred as well. Why an American Jew would ever vote for a leftist escapes me.

    1. Ian Madge7:11 am

      It is astounding that American Jews consistant vote more than 70% for whoever the socialist anti Israel candidate is ! It is an unconscious suicide mentality !

    2. American Jews unfortunately all too many have a several Generation disconnect in addition to the hippie Assimilation has resulted in this attitude!!!

  5. I am persuaded that Obama is not only "building up his legacy", but that he's preparing to put his wife Michelle on the path to President-2020, as the candidate of the Fascist Democrat Party.
    As such, the Presidential Couple has to build up his credentials irreproachable racist antisemitic Nazi goons.
    It's all in the plan.

  6. Totally agree with above comments. Obama is a Muslim and was out to get Israel from day 1 as well as transform our country. Thank G-d Trump won or we would have been lost. I pray that Trump keeps safe and will restore sanity to our country.

    1. Ian Madge7:17 am

      Whether the deceitful obama is a Muslim or not, is irrelevant, it is CLEAR where his affections are ! I doubt that even the most deluded of liberals, and the Lord knows they are deluded, would vote his policies back into office in our country after it's rehabilitation under Trump's administration.

  7. The US did not SPONSOR this resolution. It didn't veto it. But don't let the facts get in the way of bashing the President

    1. Sharon11:51 am

      Abstaining is the same as voting for it and it is well known that Obama assisted in the drafting if the resolution. These are his beliefs and his ideology which have allowed the fanatical Muslim world turn several of their own countries into flames. It's sad that he is misguided, but he is to blame.

  8. You are wrong. So horribly misinformed it's astonishing. Come to my Facebook page to discuss if you'd like.

    Benjamin Doscher

  9. You should not disseminate this hate.

  10. The final days of this muslim scumbag.
    He will be judged....

  11. Loyal to his father's religion?

  12. Anonymous5:40 am

    Obama is a spawn of satan.

  13. As jcesq99 correctly points out "The US did not SPONSOR this resolution"... Indeed, the US didn't OFFICIALLY sponsor this resolution HOWEVER, there's ample reason to believe that the US was involved behind the scenes (e.g. through New Zealand - see Kerry's last visit there) and it's beyond obvious that the US only had to indicate early on that a veto would be forthcoming for this resolution to have remained a draft...

    And it's beyond obvious that the US could have vetoed this resolution (as it vetoed a practically identical resolution back in 2011)...

    So, jcesq99, please DO look at ALL the facts and don't be naive!...

  14. The UK voted for this disgraceful UN resolution yet even has its own right of veto in the Security Council. As to Theresa and Boris, shame on you.

  15. Anonymous8:14 pm

    Irrespective of what Obama did, the 3.8 billion which is being given to Israel is illegal. The building of settlers houses on annexed Palistinians land is illegal. Israel illegally refuses to comply to any rulings made against them.

  16. Nobama is a fucking douche bag He's America hating, liar married to a dude named Michael!! He is /has tried to destroy this country from day one!! If moopig mooch michele-Michael ever were to win president, I can't even think of the horror, the carnage!!!

  17. Anonymous10:30 am

    Well said except Judaism is a religion, not a race. One can convert to a different religion,but cannot change one's race.

  18. Anonymous11:10 pm

    There needs to be a higher priority in resolving this issue, but settlements on any side show conclusion without agreement making it harder zo ever conclude. Now the US threatening to defund does sound somewhat childish because it shows a philosofy of "My way or the highway"!

  19. Realy great post……I have no word to say.
    you know what I never read this kind of long post before today ! ! You are outstanding
