Thursday, October 13, 2016

New announcement by UNESCO on ancient site

Following UNESCO's announcement today that the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem is not a Jewish site but a Muslim one ...


  1. ...and Mohammed was in the Ark, of course, along with Noah & his family. Makes complete sense, doesn't it? Oh no, I thought not...

  2. BREAKING NEWS - UNESCO vote that London has no connection to the English and will return to the auspices of Rome with no English allowed and no Christians will be allowed to pray in its precincts to avoid inflaming worshippers of Jupiter. England as a country will no longer be recognised... Whoops, that's already happened, as it isn't named on EU maps and calling yourself English is considered racist, supremacist and insensitive.

  3. Anonymous10:36 am

    ... and next week UNESCO is voting on whether the world is flat!

  4. Anonymous4:26 pm

    ........and Matsu Pitchu was built by the Ancient Greeks, the Romans built the Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower belongs to the Spanish and Nelson's Column should be given back to the French.

  5. And everything Donald says is true.

  6. And everything Donald says is true.

  7. I find this very very very hard to believe.... Especially as it pre dates muhammad by a very long time indeed. As it is from the Neolithic period I am darn sure he wasn't even thought of yet let alone born. Who comes up with this crap.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Who cares, from now, about what Unesco could declare or not ?

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