Monday, September 26, 2016

Obama and media knew Orlando gay club massacre was Islamist terror attack but lied to cover it up

The authorities and media knew - even while the attack was happening - that terrorist Omar Mateen was acting in the name of ISIS. This is the full transcript of his calls to the police while he carried out the attack.

Yet, just as reported yesterday with the Washington mall shooter, they chose to cover it up with their ludicrous narrative of repressed homosexuality, mental illness and 'gun control'. Naturally, few media outlets are covering the release of the full transcripts today.

Omar Mateen full transcript of cals to Police
Breitbart: how the media covered for Orlando terrorist
Latest Islamic terrorist attack covered up - must be 'Hispanic'
If media reported Orlando terrorist attack like they report on Isael


  1. If the media report on this, they might feel some sort of obligation to report the true facts in other situations and we can't have that.

    by Mr. Cohen, 2016/9/29

    Shimon Peres (born 1923 CE, died 2016 CE) never understood that Muslims have always hated Jews, and will always hate Jews forever, because that is what their religion requires them to do.

    Shimon Peres never understood that Muslims have always deceived non-Muslims and will always deceive non-Muslims forever, because that is what their religion requires them to do.

    Shimon Peres never understood that according to Islamic Religious Law [sharia], peace-treaties between Muslims and non-Muslims are worthless, and should be violated as-soon-possible by killing the non-Muslims that the peace-treaty was made with.

    Shimon Peres never understood that Islam cannot tolerate any Jewish state anywhere in the Middle East, regardless of its size or the shape of its borders.

    Shimon Peres never understood that Islam requires that Jews must be constantly oppressed by Muslims and trembling-in-fear before Muslims.

    Shimon Peres never understood that Jews having their own land and their own army is extremely offensive to Islam, regardless of its size.

    Shimon Peres never understood that Islam requires that Jews must be only a little-bit-better-off than slaves.

    Shimon Peres never understood that Muslims view any compromise as humiliation, and humiliation is the worst thing in Muslim culture.

    Shimon Peres never understood that tolerance and forgive-and-forget are NOT part of Muslim culture, especially when dealing with non-Muslims.

    Shimon Peres never understood that many millions of Muslims believe that Jews are apes and pigs.

    Shimon Peres never understood the Muslim belief that the Muslim-Messianic-Era cannot occur until ALL JEWS EVERYWHERE ARE DEAD.

    Since Shimon Peres was a good-hearted person, he was unable to comprehend the amazing wickedness of Islam and Muslims.

    Shimon Peres tried to negotiate peace with Muslims, but with zero understanding of Muslim beliefs.

    The result: The Oslo Accords were a disaster for Israel, and the severe troubles that Israel faces now were caused by it.

  3. How to Pray for Tzahal-IDF:
