Monday, February 09, 2015

Just in case you thought there might be some contradictions in what Islamists believe ...

The phenomenum of Arabs saying one thing in English (as in "we are prepared to make peace with Israel") while saying something different in Arabic (as in "we will never rest until we slaughter the last Jew") has been long known (to people who take notice, although the Western Media does everything possible to cover this up). But after 9/11 a slightly different phenomenon has been prevalent among a broad swathe of the Islamic community (just listen to any radio phone-in). Not knowing whether to be embarrassed or proud of the terrorism that is carried out in the name of Islam many Islamists manage to hold completely contradictory views of the same thing. So, for example, while they laud Osama bin Laden as the great Sheikh who brought America to its knees on 9/11,  they will tell you (if you mention Islamic terrorism) that 9/11 was actually a Mossad plot and that bin Laden was a Zionist agent (even while naming their children after him). And what is especially strange is that many believe both viewpoints without even being aware of the contradiction.

So, in the spirit of previous posts (e.g. this one) I have produced a simple chart which clearly shows how rational Islamists really are about politics

What Islamists believe
What Islamists believe

9/11 was carried out by Mossad
9/11 was a great victory for Islam
Osama bin Laden was a Zionist agent
Osama bin Laden was a great Islamic hero
The Holocaust did not happen
Hitler was a great man who punished the Jews
Netanyahu (or any Israeli leader) is an evil tyrant worse than Hitler
Hitler was a great man who punished the Jews
Iran, Hezbollah and Syria are controlled by the Zionists
(Sunni Muslims believe this)
Iran, Hezbollah and Syria are the only ones who can confront the Zionists (Shia Muslims believe this)
ISIS and Al Qaeda are controlled by the Zionists
(Shia Muslims believe this)
ISIS and Al Qaeda are the only ones who can confront the Zionists
(Sunni Muslims believe this)
ISIS (Islamic State) is nothing to do with Islam
ISIS (Islamic State) is restoring Muslim honour
Islam forbids the murder of innocent civilians
There are no innocent civilians in infidel nations
Israel is a weak pathetic country that will self-destruct
Israel is a world super-power which controls every country in the world
The Israeli army is weak
Israel’s army is the strongest in the world and it is dedicated to killing Arab children
Jews are the “sons of apes and pigs” who are the “dregs of society”
Jews control all the world’s finances, media and politicians
We do not recognise Israel. We are Palestinian residents of the Zionist entity (Muslim citizens of Israel say this)
We will never agree to be citizens of a Palestinian state (Muslim citizens of Israel say this)
We love death more than you love life. We yearn to be martyrs
If you dare to kill us we will open up the gates of hell to you
We are not trying to force Sharia law on the West
Refusal to allow Sharia law in the West is a crime against Islam
Palestinians are a distinct people  who must have their own state
There are no Arab states. We are a single body under Sharia Law
The Jews use the Holocaust to gain sympathy for Israel
The real Holocaust is carried out by Israel against the Palestinians
Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance
There can be no peace until Islam dominates the world
Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance
Anyone drawing a cartoon of Mohammed must be beheaded
Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance
All apostates must be killed
Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance
Homosexuals must be killed by throwing them from a high building
Hamas is just a political and social welfare organisation
Glory to Hamas for killing Israeli kids. Glory to Hamas for its rocket arsenal
Obama hates Muslims
Obama is a Muslim

Update: Just after posting this I saw this report

See also:  

1 comment:

  1. duncan7:45 pm

    I linked your article in a blog. and got this response. would you like to respond ?

    "The suggestions that individual Muslims hold contradictory beliefs and the unsurprising claim that members of different branches (or even the same branch) of Islam have different beliefs are hopelessly entangled in that blog

    In order for both claims to be valid (but still hopelessly confused), the man who wrote that needed to prove not only that there are Muslims who believe one but not the other of a pair of the statements but also that a significant number of individual Muslims believe both of the paired statements.

    He hasn’t proved either. He hasn’t even tried to. It is just a confused blog. It offers absolutely no evidence whatsoever and it doesn’t link to a single shred of evidence to support its claims. It is simply the writings of a man on a mission.

    If someone on this site had attached any weight whatsoever to a similar anti-Semitic blog, we would all have, justifiably, jumped on him.
