Sunday, August 10, 2014

UK Media surprised and disgusted by increase in antisemitic attacks

The Guardian is reporting on the worrying increase in antisemitism (note the following applies to every media outlet)**** ........

See also How the UK media narrative is fuelling antisemitism

***this is intended to be satirical. The Guardian headlines are not literal although they are similar to many that have appeared in the Guardian and most other UK newspapers.


  1. Anonymous8:42 am

    This is as much a hate crime that the Guardian loves to report on by stoking up anti jewish feelings by a carefully crafted piece of propoganda. Of course, they won't get their collars felt by the thought police.

  2. Perhaps you should make clearer that this is satirical and these aren't literal Guardian headlines. Lots of people are asking me that after I tweeted this.

  3. Elder: Done (I've added a note at the bottom). It is incredible how many people do not recognise satire. For example, it appears most readers of my alternative site are complete unaware it is satire.

  4. Perfectomundo6:30 pm

    I regularly run up against people who have no understanding of or appreciation for satire, farce, irony and other forms of expression ... They are all the poorer for it !!
