Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Letter to my MP: UK taxpayers are funding the glorification of terrorist scum

I have just sent this self-explanatory letter to my local MP:
I would be grateful if you could bring to the attention of the relevant person at the Dept for International Development the story highlighted here which shows the boasts on Palestinian TV of  terrorist Issa Abd Rabbo who Israel was recently forced to release in order to get the Palestinians to the negotiating table. This terrorist was welcomed as a hero by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

On the TV show he brags about kidnapping two young Israeli hikers, tying them up and killing them. He says that when he told his Aunt that he had killed not just one, but two Jews "she cried out in joy".

The reason for my request to you is that the Palestinian TV show on which he was feted is part of the Ma'an Network which is funded by UKAid (it even boasts the UKAid logo on its website as reported here):

I would like to know why UK taxpayer money is being spent on glorifying terrorists in this way.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:50 am

    Thank you for making the effort!
