Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Is anti-Zionism the same as antisemitism?

The standard defence against any accusation of antisemitism nowadays is to claim that you are an anti-Zionist (generally considered by the main stream media to be a good, liberal, enlightened position) and not an antisemite (generally considered by the main stream media to be a very bad thing). So, following on from my previous posts (the difference between the Nazi boycott of Jews and the Israel boycott movement, and what leftists really believe) I have produced a chart below which obviously confirms that anti-Zionism and antisemitism have absolutely nothing in common*.


Hatred of Jews; Belief that Jews (and only Jews) have no right to pracice their religion.
Hatred of the Jewish state;
Belief that Jews (and only Jews) have no right to their own state
What do its most vociferous proponents ultimately want
Physical destruction of the entire Jewish race
Physical destruction of the entire Jewish state
What is the core belief
The Jews are the root cause of most suffering in the world
The Jewish state is the root cause of most suffering in the world
What it based on
The singling out and demonization of Jews – and Jews alone - based on a set of complete lies about the political, economic, social and religious behaviour of Jews
The singling out and demonization of the Jewish state – and the Jewish state alone - based on a set of complete lies about the political, economic, social and religious behaviour of the Jewish state
How is it currently sustained
Continued and incessant lies about Jews – much of it emanating from Muslim countries - promulgated in the media and on the web – that is rarely if ever challenged
Continued and incessant lies about the Jewish State – much of it emanating from Muslim countries - promulgated in the media and on the web– that is rarely if ever challenged
Typical media presentation
Cartoons of big fat Jews who control the world and eat non-Jewish babies; cartoons of Jews killing non-Jewish children.
Cartoons of big fat Jews who control the world and eat non-Jewish babies; cartoons of Jewish soldiers killing Arab children
Who currently are the most virulent proponents
Muslims,  left-wing political activists, Black panthers, right-wing extremists, racists, self-hating Jews
In Muslim countries Pew surveys report 96% of the population ‘hate Jews’
Muslims,  left-wing political activists, Black panthers, right-wing extremists, racists, self-hating Jews
In Muslim countries Pew surveys report 98% of the population ‘hate Israel’
Most common beliefs
·         Jews are baby-killers;
·         Jews bake the blood of Christian children in their Passover matzos;
·         Jews did 9/11
·         Jews are behind ISIS
·         The Jews control America, Britain, France (add any country you like, including even Arab ones)
·         The Jews control the world banking system, the United Nations (add any international organization you like)
·         Zionists are baby-killers;
·         Zionists bake the blood of Arab children in their Passover matzos;
·         Zionists did 9/11 
·         Zionists are behind ISIS
·         Zionists control America, Britain, France (add any country you like, including even Arab ones)
·         Zionists control the world banking system, the United Nations (add any international organization you like)
Typical everyday behaviour
·         Criticizing Jews for certain character traits (such as meanness, aggressiveness, deviousness) that are actually far more prominent in other ethnic and religious groups
·         Criticizing Jews for their genuinely good character traits (such as intelligence and business acumen) as in ‘The Jews use these traits to trick and steal from non-Jews’
·       Ignoring the many noble and generous acts done by Jews   or dismiss them simply as  propaganda/'self promotion'
·         Criticizing the Jewish State for certain character traits (such as meanness, aggressiveness, deviousness) that are actually far more prominent in most other countries
·         Criticizing the Jewish State for their genuinely good character traits (such as intelligence and business acumen) as in ‘The Zionists use these traits to trick and steal from the Arabs’
·       Ignoring the many noble and generous acts done by Israel  or dismiss them simply as propaganda/'hasbarah'

More ‘active’ behaviour
Boycott Jewish businesses; vandalise Jewish-owned shops and their products, including  daubing Swastikas and Stars of David.
Boycott Jewish owned Israeli businesses; vandalise Jewish-owned Israeli shops and their products, including  daubing Swastikas and Stars of David.
What especially angers proponents
·         Jews defending themselves from attack; 
·         Any Jewish success in science and culture
·         The Jewish state defending itself from attack;
·         Any Israeli success in science and culture
What they have never heard of or must never be mentioned
The total destruction of Jewish communities in Muslim lands after the establishment of Israel
The total destruction of Jewish communities in Muslim lands after the establishment of Israel
Beliefs about the Holocaust
The holocaust is largely a myth perpetuated to gain sympathy for Israel. The only real holocaust was committed by Jews against the Palestinians

The holocaust is largely a myth perpetuated to gain sympathy for Israel. The only real holocaust was committed by Zionists against the Palestinians
About the killing of Jews by the Nazis
If it happened at all it was a natural reaction against Jewish crimes
If it really happened then the Jews must have had it coming to them. After all Zionism equals Nazism.
About the killing of Jews by Arab terrorists
If it really happens then the Jews must have had it coming to them
If it happens at all it is a natural reaction against Zionist crimes
About violence generally
Jews are legitimate targets for violence
Zionist Jews are legitimate targets for violence
Who are their heroes
Hitler -  because he “stood up to the Jews”
Hamas, Saddam Hussein, Ahmedinejad and any other Muslim bigots you can think of – because they “stood up to the Jews Zionists”
Mandatory reading
Protocols of the Elder of Zion, anything by Gilad Atzmon
Protocols of the Elder of Zion, anything by Gilad Atzmon
Most hated thing in the whole world
The State of Israel
The State of Israel

*for those who keep pointing out the 'error' this comment (but not the chart) is satire

For an alternative take on this see here.

Update: see comparison between radical leftists and Islamists


  1. Edgar, superb!!! I have linked to it.

  2. Why does anti-semitism exist? There has to be a reason, after all there are plenty of other people to become the target of hatred--blacks, homosexuals, drug-dealers, those with congenital diseases.
    Surely the Jews did something, or continue doing something that makes them so hated in just about every corner of the globe and has done for at least 3000 years. What, oh what could it be?

  3. Anonymous5:32 pm

    To aronlipshitz:

    You obviously seem to have an answer to the question you posed so why not let us in on your wisdom

  4. Anonymous5:44 pm

    Intersting that you just ned to put the word "state" behind "Jewish" in order to rename a deep rooted leftwing antisemitism an innocent lullaby!

  5. Malgorzata Koraszewska3:10 pm

    And here is the Polish translation:


  6. Bravo! You have an excellent blog. I am glad we have found you on the web. We will be happy to share your blog with our Irish readers. Thank you and Happy 2014.

  7. What amazes me is it's OK for Muslims to call Jews pigs and to use their "death to all Jews" chant, but the moment anyone says anything remotely (and I do mean remotely, as in a mildly tenuous manner) anti-Muslim, they issue a Fatwah and start burning flags.

  8. Right.
    But hate, stupidity and ignorance cannot be influenced by facts.

  9. Anonymous2:33 pm

    Like most Christians in the US I have always had a pro-Israel stance believing fervently in the right of Jews to occupy their homeland as given them by Yahweh. Then I became convinced that the conspiracy theory of the "New World Order" is a reality directed in the modern age by the Rothschilds. Of course such a conspiracy would not be simple and there is evidence to support the theory that the Rothchilds supported Zionism for their own purpose and that even today they wield enormous power not only in Israel but among all the world banks. As this becomes more widely believed then it sadly provokes antisemitism. I am not a holocaust denier but again, is it possible that certain elites who happen to be Jewish perpetrated the holocaust as a means to further their own agenda? Jews have somehow become mired in the conspiracy theory of the Illuminati and their pursuit of global domination. While many may dismiss this as madness I believe that this is a major reason why antisemitism seems to be gaining ground.


    These videos show what the enemy is doing

  11. A very informative table that easily shows that if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and walks like a duck, IT IS A DUCK !!!!!!!!

  12. What you have written as regards definitions of anti-zionism is wholly and subjectively biased, in short an irrelevant and uninformed croc of nonsense. The premise of anti-zionism does not even require a state per se, there are zionists all over the world.
