Monday, July 23, 2012

A truly remarkable video

Elder of Ziyon has a video - translated by MEMRI - from Egypt's version of Candid Camera where famous actors are told they would be interviewed by a German TV station but then they "discover" during the interview that it is really "an Israeli" TV station. It is remakable in so many ways. The key things to note:

  • Actors are assumed to be 'liberal' in their views, but these all express pathological violent, anti-Semitism. If this is how they behave to people they think are Jews just imagine what the 'uneducated' masses think.
  • When the 'joke' is revealed at the end the actors are genuinely congratulated on their anti-Semitism. As the female 'interviewer' says (despite being assaulted by one actor): "I didn’t know that there could be such patriotism, but it exists in every Egyptian who breathes the air of this country." 
  • The Egyptians were in no way ashamed to show this on TV, but were rather pround of it.

If MEMRI was not such a reliable source, I would have assumed that this simply had to be a spoof. i.e that this was an Israeli spoof of an Egyptian show. But it has been confirmed that the program was broadcast on Egypt’s Al-Nahar channel and that these are very well known actors in Egypt. There can be no better piece of evidence of why any attempt to make real peace with Egypt (and indeed any Arab country) is a waste of time. Forget all the political articles and analyses, if people just watch this video it will explain all they need to know about the Middle East. Just think if Obama and Cameron spent the 10 minutes watching it their eyes would finally be opened to reality.

And to think, many Jews - and Israelis - still holiday in Egypt.

Update: someone posted the video to a very popular American pop culture blog. The response of the brainwashed America respondent sis almost as bad as the video, with almost universal hatred being directed against the person who posted the video. Avery typical response was "I don't need to watch a video to know that this is another example of you bringing your raging racist and ethnic hatred of Muslims to ONTD."


  1. Anonymous11:54 pm

    Pathological is the word! Irrational is another.

  2. Anonymous11:55 pm

    Pathological is the word! Irrational is another.
