Monday, July 25, 2011

Norwegian hypocrisy

My sympathy at the terrible loss of life in Norway does not extend to their left-wing politicians who dominate the country's political narrative. I have just heard one of their senior government members on the BBC news claim that, with the 'possible exception of the Beslan massacre', the Norway attack was 'unprecedented because it was the only terrorist attack in history in which children were specifically targeted'.

Of course, according to most Norwegians, when Palestinians massacre Israeli children in their dozens in schools (as they did in Maalot in 1974) in their hundreds on buses (as they did during the second intifada and numerous previous occasions) at a disco, and even when they decapitate Israeli toddlers and babies as they did this year in Itamar, none of that counts as terrorism. The Norwegians are usually the first to 'explain' that the attackers had 'justified grievances'.

And let's also demolish the myth that our media and the Norwegians have been pushing, that the victims at Utoya Island were schoolchildren at a summer holiday camp. They were, in fact, mostly young adults who were all part of the Young Socialist League at a political indoctrination event. None of these people deserved to be harmed in any way, but take a look at the photo above (courtesy of the Blaze, where you can read the full story) to see the kind of 'harmless' activity they were involved with the very day before the attack. The Israeli kids who were killed in real schools, buses and discos, certainly weren't calling for the boycott and even destruction of a democratic state that they knew nothing about.

In a Europe where countries fight with themselves to be seen as the leaders in anti-Israel activism Norway reigns supreme by a long distance. And, for all its supposed tolerance of minorities, it also leads the way in classic anti-Semitism.

My thoughts go out to the Norwegian victims and their families and friends. But the Norwegian politicians can take a running jump (even more so when you see this from the Norwegian Ambassador to Israel).

NOTE: Have a look at the above story presented with a slightly different twist on my "Free Palestine Now" blog. Thanks to some timely comments on left-wing blogs my postings there have received some incredible hit statistics.


  1. Killing children is always the strongest political statement (see Predator strikes Pakistan). It is an equally effective tool for the Right, Left, Christan, Jew, Muslim, and/or Atheist. If we had had Predators during World World 2 to use against the Nazi Youth Camps we would have brought Hitler to his knees in a matter of months.

  2. Killing children is always the strongest political statement (see Predator strikes Pakistan). It is an equally effective tool for the Right, Left, Christan, Jew, Muslim, and/or Atheist. If we had had Predators during World World 2 to use against the Nazi Youth Camps we would have brought Hitler to his knees in a matter of months.

  3. Anonymous7:45 pm

    Euroland is lost, enjoy sharia you idiots, you disgust me norway

  4. How many Norwegians do you disgust?

    Clearly all Christian Church Law is superior to all Sharia Law.

    In dealing with Apostates beheading and burning at the stake is clearly superior to stoning, faster and more certain, no chance of wilting of will.

  5. Anonymous9:20 pm

    I am Norwegian, and don't support "Israel".
    Why should I support a "country" that took the land by force from Palestinians in 1948?
    Not all jewish people are bad either. Only the Zionists... these are the cancer of the world!!
    The bible says clearly that Jews shall not take the land back and wait tfor the Messiah to come and guide them! They shall wait in peace.
    The Zionists break as well the 7th and 9th commandments!!!

    Antisetism is the new word used by those criminals Zionists jews from the mpment someone critic them.
    They are cowardsm and always attack people from behind!
    Dieudonné can tell you about it!

    Why is the holocaust of "6 million" jews seen as a "crime agaisnt humanity" since 1946 at Nüremberg trial, but the massacre of Native Americans, Aborigenes, African slaves just a secondary thing....can someone explain that?
    There is an official classification either you are jew and died and Auschwitz Birkenau: jackpot! or just a neger in a cotton field: better luck next time.
    F@Israel, f@ck United Nations!! F@ck you all!

