Friday, October 23, 2009

If the BBC wanted examples of racist ideology in practice ...

Given the furore created over the appearance of Nick Griffin on Newsnight and the almost uniform media anger at 'giving a platform to racists' I am surprised this same media routinely ignores the brutal anti-semitic outpourings from Middle Eastern governments and their state-run media. There are, of course, a number of websites (just check the links on the right) that report on such material on a daily basis. But, every so often, an item catches my eye especially. I'm not talking about the antisemitic preachings of endless Jihadists or Imams or even the routine "let's teach 4-year-olds how to kill Jews" television programmes produced by Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. I'm not even talking about the popular Turkish series depicting Jews as child killers. No, what catches my eye are those examples of supposedly 'liberal' and 'moderate' countries like Kuwait and Dubai. Hence, I was interested in an article in the Arab Times Kuwaiti newspaper yesterday, which not only reports uncritically on the Kuwaiti Interior Ministry's warning against employing Jewish maids (apparently there are 1800 such black maids of Ethiopian descent in Kuwait) but also warns of the dangers involved to children since such maids "practice black magic" and "may have an allegiance to Israel". Goebbels would have been proud of such racism. Anyway I have grabbed a screenshot of the page (click it to enlarge), just in case it gets removed:

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