Sunday, September 18, 2016

Colin Firth: ignorant anti-Israel jerk

For those salivating over the new Bridget Jones movie please note that actor Colin Firth is an archetypal leftist luvvie 'activist' who not only sees it as his duty (and entitlement) to lecture us plebs on how to think and behave in politically correct terms (including demanding the release of Al Qaeda terrorists), but inevitably he has been a long-term supporter of the campaign to delegitimize Israel (see Update below for further reason not to see this move).

He has always been on hand to issue condemnations of Israel for daring to defend itself against terrorism (such as being a signatory on this anti-Israel blood libel letter) and appear at events run by the anti-semitic Palestine Solidarity Campaign. He tried to take his activism to a different level in 2010 by starring in a film ("The Promised Land") that attempted to rewrite the history of Israel with a whole bunch of anti-Zionist lies (thankfully - as pointed out by commenter Ian - the film was abandoned before it was released).

UPDATE: As reported here it turns out that the script for the new Bridget Jones movie was actually co-written by none other than Israel boycotting witch Emma Thompson. And it seems the movie is even pushing her anti-Israel propaganda as reported by Debbie Schlussel:
The first thing you need to know about this movie is that it co-stars and features a script co-written by Israel-boycotting Jew-hater Emma Thompson. I don’t support movies that finance anti-Semites, but I reviewed this with an open mind on its own merit (even though I recommend you give Fraulein Thompson the back of the hand). I couldn’t help but notice, though, that there is a dumb, snide line (among many in this film) about needing to “get footage of the attack on Ramallah.” Um, what attack on Ramallah. If anything, the Palestinian Muslim terrorists in Ramallah are attacking synagogues, bars, bus stations, etc. throughout Israel. Got that, Emma?



  1. I love your site but the "The Promised Land" film never got off the ground

    FYI his wife did a doco on cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, they're quite a pair.


  2. Ian: Thanks - updated with acknowledgement

  3. Anonymous1:22 am

    He should be blacklisted, like the Jewish people in the 1950's. He shouldn't be allowed to make movies in America.

  4. Anonymous8:17 am

    How can anyone believe that Colin Firth wrote this crap?

  5. Anonymous8:29 pm

    To anonymous who said "How can anyone believe that Colin Firth wrote this crap?": I'd like to know how can anyone believe there are people as stupid as you?

  6. Anonymous9:45 pm

    Is that his face or is Photoshop?

  7. John Galliano is also on that list of people who signed the 'blood libel' letter.

  8. Anonymous10:09 am

    Thompson was part of the gang that tried to stop Israeli across performing Shakespeare at the Globe Theatre.

    And another one for you in the same nasty genre currently on BBC 1 early evening - Patrick Kielty ha signed anti Israel petitions

  9. Anonymous12:26 am

    I'm pretty sure Firth's personal background is at least paternally semitic. Firth is quite a popular Jewish name here in Canada....

    Anyway, I've been watching him since his debut in the Advocate (1987?)....

  10. Anonymous4:26 am

    Absolute bollocks...Firth and Emma Thompson are crypto Jews.Firths wife is an Italian jewess.....
    As usual Churchill for example gets the bullshit too.His mother was a rich American jewess making Churchill a jew.
    Balfour out was ALSO A JEW....
    Today the British govt is controlled by crypto Jews....even Parker head of MI5 is a crypto jew....and so too are the Windsors....which explains why Prince Charles was circumcised by a rabbi.
    The Spanish fascist dictator FRANCO was also a crypto jew...his surname is Sephardic.There is a Hollywood actor Franco....he is a jew.
    So quit being a victim jew....people are getting sick of the constant persecution propaganda....especially since Jews used white phosphorus to burn alive Palestinian families.

  11. Thanks. Firth acting in Devil' Knot , a film that makes innocent by Jewish law the child murdering savages Echols et al, made me suspicious that Firth was filth. Thanks again and may Christ's Justice fall on those animals and those that claimed ajd clamoured for their Jewish right to beat, rape, torture , castrate and kill 8 year olds in their despicable "documentaries" and "films".

  12. Anonymous2:56 am

    I never knew this about Firth and Thompson. Now I like them even more. Thanks!
