Monday, October 12, 2015

Israel's "apartheid system" does not seem to be working as efficiently as its neighbours'

Oh and Yemen's massive remaining Jewish community has just been ordered to convert to Islam, leave or be killed....

For an alternative view on this: statistical proof that Israel is an apartheid state.


  1. Your chart is indeed powerful, concise and brilliant and should be posted and cross-posted everywhere. In anticipation of the inevitable counter-claims that the numbers are a fabrication, could you please provide the source(s) of the information behind the chart?

    Thank you.

  2. A_Jew_with_a _View11:23 am

    Brilliant! Thank you. May I suggest, if possible, also show the number of Jews who lived in Germany and Nazi occupied countries in 1932 and the numbers and percentage that remained in 1945. It would demonstrate that the Arabs were even more successful in the ethnic cleansing of Jews than the Nazis.

  3. Anonymous1:14 pm

    How does this chart prove genocide? Unless we know what happened to the Jewish population in those countries (did they maybe emigrate to Israel, the US or Europe?), this chart only shows that there is a change in the numbers, that's all.

    1. Proves apartheid towards exist in all these places, does not comment on genocide; don't change the subject.

    2. Anonymous4:13 pm

      They didnt emigrate by choice, they were expelled, given a week to leave the country. You have no clue what the article is about do you? But you have to put your ignorant two cents!

  4. Anonymous: You clearly did not read what was written.

  5. To A_Jew_with_a _View: Yes that is good idea. Will try to do that soon...

  6. Anonymous1:52 pm

    @Edgar Davidson, you are correct, I apologize.

  7. Dear Edgar,

    Much appreciated if you provided some sources to your claim chart. Until you do, it only outta be called complete and utter bullcrap.

  8. @Wael Ibrahim: what part of the chart do you disagree with? If you insist that all of it is "bullcrap" then we will all understand where you are coming from and treat you and your comments with all of the respect that you deserve.

  9. Anonymous4:20 pm

    there are some sources and you can cross reference this. facts are facts buddy, get the keffiyeh out of your eyes and see the truth.

  10. By the way I'm on your side here. I support the state of Israel. But when such a research doesn't include a credible source, let me tell you you're not that different from any dumbass sandnigger. Any research such as your chart must include all the sources where the information used is brought from.

    Be a professional, make your blog more efficient.

    1. Obviously he isn't interested in facts, only in his conclusions

    2. Obviously he isn't interested in facts, only in his conclusions

  11. Pedroinspain9:14 pm

    The table is utterly misleading. The introduction and annotations suggest that the drop in Jewish numbers in the cited Arab countries was due to genocide and ethnic cleansing. This is a distortion of verifiable historical records. Why do I say that? Here is a Wiki article on this exact topic which has been subject to extensive peer review and debate according to Wiki's strict rules on Israel in Palestine an issues.

    Where do you see modern (20th C) genocides mentioned? Where do you see massacres of Jews on the scale of those perpetrated by Israel in 2008/9 and in mid-2014? Where do you see 'expel' for Jews? All I see is 'emigrated', 'left', and other neutral terms such as 'exodus'.

    I am intrigued. Did you think no one would spot these distortions?

  12. Pedroinspain9:15 pm

  13. Anonymous10:13 pm

    To Petroinspain: Here is a place to start your education:

  14. @Pedroinspain: the opening paragraph in the Wikipedia article contains the verbs "flight", "expulsion" and "evacuation". These are not passive and friendly words.

    The third paragraph states the property was left behind. Again, something that is done only when you are under duress.

    The last paragraph contains the words "persecution" and "antisemitism".

    Are you sure we are reading the same thing?

  15. A very useful resource is:

    A typical personal story:

  16. Pedroinspain1:07 pm

    @Sheldon - did you check the two references used in Wiki to support that introductory claim of 'expulsion'? The second contained ZERO mention of expulsion. Yet it is used as a source to support the claim. Utterly lame, not so? That is how these myths are maintained. The first source is the official Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs Web site. Reason for suspicion? You bet, because it contains zero evidence of expulsions. So the evidence for expulsions in the entire Wiki article - I repeat, the ENTIRE article - rests on an unsupported and hence non verifiable claim by the Israel government that they did in fact occurred. I rest my case.

  17. Pedroinspain1:17 pm

    @Sheldon / Edgar / Anonymous: So, can I conclude by the largely evasive responses, that you couldn't find any verifiable cases of expulsions, and certainly none of genocide, in the Wiki article? Are you starting to understand that I called out the original piece because it was a gross distortion of verifiable historical facts?

  18. Pedroinspain1:29 pm

    @Edgar: I looked up your reference. Many thanks. Unfortunately it made zero claim of genocide. Where it mentions expulsion, it provides no source. So I cannot share your view that it is useful. My apologies.

  19. Pedroinspain1:35 pm

    @Sheldon: You appear to have read aspects into my post which I did not write. My core message was not that Jews from Arab lands were not subjected to the biases accorded to many non Muslim people, but rather that they did not suffer mass expulsions or genocide on the scale of thousands as implied by the blog article introduction and annotations. My apologies for this lack of clarity.

  20. Anonymous2:11 pm

    Repost without the commentary in the right margin. The data speaks volumes. The commentary is sarcastic

  21. Pedroinspain7:23 pm

    @Anonymous: The data plus verifiable historical record speaks volumes indeed. They show no genocide; no mass expulsions. All they show is that for various reasons Jews in Arab lands chose to go to Israel. In what way is this remotely parallel to what happened earlier to the Palestine for whom there is ample verifiable documentation of ethnic cleansing and genocide?

    By the way, the next step is usually that he who challenges the sacred Myths gets banned. In that way the Myths prevail, because they are no longer challenged.

  22. Pedroinspain7:58 pm

    Morocco (Wiki):it is on Edgar's list. Quote: "Jews did not face expulsion or asset confiscation or any similar government persecution during the period of exile, and Zionist agents were allowed freedom of action to encourage emigration."

    Now THAT speaks volumes.

    Here is a discussion that REALLY is useful because it draws on Michael Lassier's extensive archival research, and Rabbi Berger's letters. the int

    If you are interested in real facts, I can do the same for Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon,

    Israeli historians Avi Shlaim, Tom Seger, Yehoshua Porath, Yehuda Shenav, and others have all refuted the Myth of the expulsion of the Jews from Arad lands. Two books have been written based on copious emigrant interviews, confirming the Moss ad role in cajoling Jews to leave and settle in the new Jewish state of Israel. Their facts speak for greater volumes on the depopulation of the Arab countries than mere speculative assumptions of 'ethnic cleansing' and 'genocide' used in a series of Myths aimed at whitewashing what the Jews did to the Palestine - not my words, but that of a Jewish immigrant from Iraq!! ,

  23. I think you should have distinguished the Gaza strip from territories under Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas)'s rule, because the Gaza strip is Judenrein.

  24. Pedroinspain12:51 pm

    Algeria is on Edwards list as demonstrating 'genocide' and 'ethnic cleansing'.

    The REAL facts (Wiki): In Algeria Jews did not suffer expulsion or asset confiscation. "The Jewish EMIGRATION from Algeria was part of a wider ending of French colonial control and the related social, economic and cultural changes.

    The Israeli government had been successful in encouraging Morocco and Tunisian Jews to emigrate to Israel, but were less so in Algeria. Despite offers of visa and economic subsidies, only 580 Jews moved from Algeria to Israel in 1954-55".

    Can we all see the total lack of evidence for 'genocide' and the similar atrocities that Jews inflicted on the Palestine and, years before any Jewish emigration from Arab countries?

  25. Charles Wiener4:22 pm

    "The Israeli government had been successful in encouraging Morocco and Tunisian Jews to emigrate to Israel, but were less so in Algeria."
    Tunisia and Morocco were French protectorates thus their population did not have French citizenship. Leaving their countries, they became stateless refugees. Algeria was a French department. Algerian Jews were French citizens thus free to settle in the Metropolitan France. Certainly a good reason to see these differences.

  26. Anonymous9:25 am

    Who said those Iranians are Muslimes,...many could be Bahà'i`s since the Universal House of Justice of the Bahà'i Religion is situated in Haifa, Israel. And many members of the Bahà'iReligion originatied from Iran, just like the Prophet of the Bahà'i's. Bahaullah.

  27. @ Véronique Chemla
    It's a well broadcast fact that Abbas has said repeatedly he wants the so-called West Bank Jew free.

  28. As the comments mention, where is the source of this information? A quick view of Palestine's population data shows one inaccuracy: Arab (Palestinian): 83%
    Israeli Jewish and other: 17%
