Sunday, September 13, 2015

Watford FC take 'action' against Corbyn's son Ben for his anti-Israel blood libel postings

This is an update to this story I posted a couple of weeks ago about Jeremy Corbyn's son Ben who was using his Facebook page for the dual purpose of publicizing his Watford FC affiliation and pushing anti-Israel propaganda including blood libels.  

I have had the following response from Richard Walker who is Head of Media & Communications at Watford FC: 
Hello Edgar

 Thank you very much indeed for bringing the below matter to our attention, since we were unaware of the material which had been posted. 

We have acted swiftly as a club and have taken the appropriate action.

 All best wishes - and thanks once again for your correspondence. 

Regards Richard
I have followed up asking exactly what the 'appropriate action' was. Also I know another person who wrote a letter to Watford FC over two weeks ago who has not yet had a response.  What is interesting is that, in his rambling acceptance speech yesterday, Jeremy Corbyn complained about the media attacking his family which is curious since I reckon I might be only person who has attempted to expose the disgusting views of his sons. I doubt if Corbyn is aware of my blog, but maybe the fact that Watford took some action against his son as a result of my 'probe' is what riled him. If so - good.

See also:

1 comment:

  1. Katherine Barker9:03 am

    I am curious - you say yourself you are the only person objecting to anything Ben C has said - yet you expect Watford FC to take disciplinary action against one of their employees on your say-so.
