Sunday, August 03, 2014

Exclusive: Palestine Solidarity Campaign complaint to the BBC about its pro-Israel bias

EXCLUSIVE. Following on from the mass demonstration the Palestine Solidarity Campaign staged three weeks ago outside the BBC in London to complain about its pro-Israel bias, I have managed to get hold of a copy of their latest letter of complaint to the BBC:

See alternative spin on this.


  1. asherpat12:55 pm


    you forgot to mention that "97% of experts agree that most of the Palestinian casualties are civilians" so that the "sciences is settled" and the "debate is over".

  2. Roman5:28 pm

    Well, as far as we know, the situation is quite the opposite. 40% of the casualties are militants. Get the facts straight.

  3. LOL! You really had me there for a moment! I found a link in the referrers on my blog to Free Palestine Now, and for a few nasty moments I thought it was the real thing.

    What a brilliant parody! Well done, whoever is behind it. :-)

    And the "letter" from the Tongue could almost be real, with very little extra imagination.

  4. Anonymous4:00 pm

    The letter is obviously fake. Is that really the best you can do - invent things people haven't said because you're unable to debate the things they have said? Pretty pathetic.
