Sunday, March 31, 2013

Oxfam and Comic Relief funding Palestinian Jew hatred

I have posted numerous times about how the major charities funded by Comic Relief are directly funding Palestinian propaganda and anti-Semitism (as well as funding organisations directly controlled by Hamas of course). As an example of both the ridiculous causes that are funded and the anti-Semitism that results, Elder of Ziyon  has an expose of how a Palestinian NGO (Miftah) funded by Oxfam published as pure an anti-semitic screed as is imaginable - resurrecting the reprehensible blood libel that Jews ritually slaughter Christian children and consume their blood on Passover (for more on the story see here).

It inspired me to produce the drawing above (feel free to copy it - I plan to drop some copies off at Oxfam shops).

It's amazing how, uniquely when it comes to the Palestinians, 'charity' can be redefined to mean 'giving money for any purpose whatsover'. Likewise we now find that being an 'aid worker' also has a completely different meaning when it comes to the Palestinians (as far as they are concerned anybody who spends their time promoting Israel hatred is an 'aid worker').
And see this spin on the story.

Update on the story here.

Update: A catalogue of charities that fund anti-Israel and antisemitic propaganda.


  1. Anonymous2:02 pm

    Have you ever considered why Israel is hated? The Israeli government has launched senseless attacks on Palestinian people, and there has been a mass kettling of Palestinian people. And pro-Israel people come out with rubbish implying that all Palestinians are terrorists. Your picture shows Palestinian children as terrorists, yet you go on about 'anti-semitism'? :P Don't know whether to laugh or cry. Hating the Israeli government is not anti-semitic, but you Zionists pretend it is to look like victims. Please stop pretending that hating the Israeli government is the same as hating Jewish people

  2. Anonymous2:06 pm

    I'll add to my previous comment. Oxfam, a charity with no roots in anti-semitism, that focuses on combating extreme poverty, is anti-Israel. Yet instead of asking why, you assume that they must have a hatred toward Jewish people? You are being the racist here, and you need to consider what you have posted. I hope that you see sense

  3. Anonymous2:58 pm

    Palestinians are being used a pawns in a terrible war backed by Iran and extremist fringe groups. Unfortunately the Palestinians support their abusers. They are freer in Israel than in their former homes.
    Also, it's impossible to separate anti-Israel hatred from anti-semitism. They might as well be the same.
    Free from Jordan to the sea means killing all Israelis, but only the Jewish ones... see what I mean?

  4. Enough of politics and being nice guys. You are not Middle Eastern leave alone Semitics. Just go back to the Slums of Europe and continue Usury, Glove making and Gambling centres etc etc etc and etc .

  5. Israel is hated by anti-semites and Muslims, who are terrorists or who support terrorism.

    When Palestine ( a country created by the British) was partitioned, it was the muslim countries who chose to attack and were defeated. Then after being driven from the battlefield they said, hey no hard feelings how about giving us that territory back...

    If oxfam wants to stand with their palestinian brothers they should consider doing it literally, so thee rest of us don't ever have to encounte rhtem again...

  6. Proud Jew10:45 pm

    Hey mr. Anonymous, why don't you go back to your country, ride your camel and mind your own business. There is no place for you in the western society. Your beliefs are completely different and you obviously don't belong in this part of the world. Unless you're here to drain the benefit system, as you all seem to be doing.

  7. Anonymous12:57 pm

    Hey mr. Proud Jew, if you're such a proud traitor, why don't you go ride an Auschwitz train back to your shithole 'homeland' in the Negev which my white ancestors suffered in blood and money to make, instead of sitting in the West and leeching off welfare and leftist sympathy.

  8. Anonymous1:17 pm

    Someone aught to make a "US foreign welfare and traitor donations funding Israeli Arab hatred" cartoon, with a swarthy, hook-nosed IDF woman holding an M15 and a brown baby, and a brown Jewish boy with his yarmulke and uzi. Pretty accurate.
