Monday, February 14, 2011

Our friends the Jordanians

Second only to the Egyptians in their level of anti-semitism, and with the prospects of their own Islamists similarly toppling a 'pro-Western' regime, the Jordanians are really starting to flex their ant-semitic muscles at the highest level. Today Jordan's justice minister no less described a Jordanian soldier serving a life sentence for killing 7 Israeli  schoolgirls in 1997 and wounding many others in an unprovoked machine gun attack, as a "hero," and joined a sit-in to demand his release.

And there is an interesting angle in the reporting of this story. Al Arabyia provides very detailed quotes from the Minister's written demands to release the soldier including these gems:
"I support the demonstrators' demand to free Ahmad Dakamseh. He's a hero. He does not deserve prison,"

"We cannot imagine that a great fighter like Dakamseh is in jail instead of reaping the rewards of his achievement,"

"If a Jewish person killed Arabs, his country would have built a statue for him instead of imprisonment."

Yet the Jerusalem Post, which has on its books many reporters who refuse to believe that their Arab neighbours hate them so much, is typically downplaying the story by not mentioning what the Minister actually said.  Again the Israeli press is doing exactly what the media in the rest of the western world is doing - censoring news of the Jihad against them. Hear no evil see no evil....

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