Sunday, February 25, 2018

Why is this terrorist attack being covered up and ignored?

Update 25 Feb 2018. Since posting this story a third victim, Shilo Siman Tov (aged 23) had died from his injuries. The Arab who drove the lorry crushing the soldiers is still under detention. He had 115 previous driving offences and nobody seems to be asking why he was still allowed to drive a heavy lorry on Israeli roads, let alone how he came to drive it in such a way as to completely demolish three stationary army vehicles.
Shilo Siman Tov: 3rd victim of Arab truck attack

Tonight's Channel 10 News in Israel spent no less than the first 40 minutes on the Netanyahu 'story' before briefly mentioning this tragedy as if it was an everyday occurence...

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Friday, February 02, 2018

Yachad perpetuates another blood libel against Israel

Even ignoring the choice of guest speaker at an annual gala for an organisation that still laughingly claims it is 'pro-Israel' this is really appalling....

Update: When I commented about this on the Yachad Facebook advert for the event look what response I got:

And look at the response from one of their goons to another person's comment (this was not me who commented):

See more on Yachad